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 Types of periodontal dental supplies

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MensagemAssunto: Types of periodontal dental supplies   Types of periodontal dental supplies Icon_minitimeSeg Jul 11, 2011 5:43 am

Types of periodontal dental supplies

If the dental alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, periodontal tissue adhesive consisting of quality help, we can not play a role. As the role of periodontal tissue support, periodontal ligament connecting tissue surrounding the teeth and tooth, a buffer, can be dispersed by the force of the teeth, so when we Dental Instruments eat hard things, they will not damage the teeth or bone . However, the total periodontal tissue can not be 24-hour personal protection of the teeth, periodontal disease when it is under attack, the gums will be red and swollen, bleeding, produce pus, bone melt down teeth, tooth loss. If people with low resistance to swallow when the resulting pus, may cause systemic disease such as lung abscess. Therefore, we must manage the gums healthy. In case of negligence, due to various diseases will suffer from mental, physical aspects of the enormous suffering and loss.

Gingivitis Gingivitis is divided into acute and chronic gingivitis. Acute gingivitis induced by bacteria or viruses, it happens very suddenly, with severe pain and bad breath.Chronic gingivitis is the very slow gingivitis, mainly caused by plaque, is the most common gum disease. Chronic gum disease is basically no early symptoms, so many people are aware of only after deterioration.

Gingivitis inflammation confined to the gums, periodontal tissue is not damaged. So to the right of self-testing, carefully brush your teeth, good oral hygiene management. Periodontitis is caused by deterioration of gingivitis, gum inflammation is confined to distribute to the periodontal tissues caused, also known as Lip licking habit easily "wind gear" or "gum disease." Will ignore damage to the periodontal bone, teeth with periodontal tissue destruction connecting ligaments, efforts to reduce not only chewing but also back teeth, tooth loss.

Be divided according to their degree of periodontitis early, middle, end.Early periodontitis is plaque accumulation between the teeth and gums resulting from, will lead to inflammation, bleeding gums, bad breath, swollen gums, alveolar bone melting and other symptoms.Ignore damage on the periodontal bone, teeth will be connected with the destruction of periodontal ligament, efforts to reduce not only chewing but also cause back teeth, tooth loss.

To mid-gingivitis, inflammation is more severe, rapid destruction of alveolar bone leading to loose teeth. Late the degree of inflammation increased, that is, almost no problem with the naked eye teeth will be lost.Gingivitis inflammation deterioration will affect the surrounding teeth can occur simultaneously in many teeth, so a negligence may also lose several teeth. In fact the main reason is that adult tooth periodontitis.

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Types of periodontal dental supplies
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