Create a good site map to help
the search engines crawl your website. ...some humans like site maps too.Place keywords in your URLs. Notice in the example above nike requin the URL contains the location and service specialty.Create a clean navigation. Make sure that all pages have enough links to get around. Don't leave nike tn your visitors or search engines tn requin stuck without a way to reach important pages.Use the proper and original meta description and meta keywords for each pageGive the search engines easy access to your keyword rich content without having to crawl through a basket tn bunch of messy code.If you plan on building your site with a cheap site builder program, make sure it allows proper code editing8. Add good, original, keyword dense text so search engines (and humans) know what your chaussures tn construction company specializes in and where you are located.Make sure your images are properly tagged. Do not leave them looking like this, "6623.jpg" Search engines like this, "kitchen-cabinet-installation.jpg"