TaylorMade Burner 2.0 Irons for You
Nowadays, owing to its strength and longevity, many golfers use the twin layered golf balls made up of single solid core. This core can be either resin or hard plastic acrylate. Thereafter, these are covered with a hard man made plastic material called surlyn. Surlyn due to its hardness prevents the golf ball from scratches or nicks. However, this comes at the cost of lacking decent spin on the ball. Overall, these TaylorMade Burner 2.0 are inexpensive and durable, and thus are a big hit with many golfers.On the other hand, the three layered golf balls which are better known by the name wound balls come with either a liquid or a solid rubber core.
This is further covered by long stretches of elastic windings forming the second layer. The third upper layer of the cover can be either made in balata or surlyn. Balata covered golf balls offer more spin and thus better control. However, these are relatively expensive and are not as durable as the surlyn covered TaylorMade Burner 2.0 Irons.
Hence, we can infer that the materials which go into making golf balls have significant impact on the durability, efficiency and the price of the golf balls. Besides the two layered and three layered golf balls, there is also a third variety available in the market.
These are known as one-piece balls. Such balls are made up of only one solid layer of surlyn with dimpled exterior and are normally used for practicing on the driving range. They are softer compared to the other types of golf balls and cannot be used to hit long distance shots. Considering the variety of golf balls available in the market, one must pay good attention to ones requirements. Thus, having good knowledge about the golf ball material comes handy while making the purchase.