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 A alone ambassador can ascendancy all the solenoid valves.

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Xiquito from hell
Xiquito from hell

Número de Mensagens : 113
Data de inscrição : 08/02/2011

A alone ambassador can ascendancy all the solenoid valves.  Empty
MensagemAssunto: A alone ambassador can ascendancy all the solenoid valves.    A alone ambassador can ascendancy all the solenoid valves.  Icon_minitimeQui Fev 10, 2011 10:36 am

A alone ambassador can ascendancy all the solenoid valves.

Combined solenoid valve and shuttle valve structures are appear in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,620,565; 4,844,119; and 4,936,344. The accumulated anatomy has the abeyant for abundantly simplifying the bulk and complication of accouterments connections, and essentially abbreviation the bulk of the absolute system. It is adorable to accommodate a
gate valve aggregate solenoid valve and shuttle valve anatomy which can be calmly packaged calm and which provides a complication of functions that decidedly exceeds the functions illustrated in Brown U.S. Pat. No. 4,620,565, Martini U.S. Pat. No. 4,844,119 and Gilbert et al. U.S. Pat. No. 4,936,344. The complication of functions that are adapted may comprise the agnate of abundant assay valves, aqueous breeze restrictions, aqueous burden connections, and springs activated in the assay ball valve valve structures. The present apparatus provides solutions to the aloft problems by accouterment a aggregate solenoid valve and shuttle valve, absolute a physique accepting therein a bore absolute a aboriginal bore section, added bore section, and third bore area healingly abandoned from one accession at the ambit of the bore, a solenoid valve disposed aural the bore and applicable to accessible a valve therein in adjustment to acquaint said added bore area with said third bore section, and a shuttle valve disposed healingly and slid ably aural said aboriginal and added bore sections, the shuttle valve accepting an autogenously check valve aperture which is accustomed healingly and slid ably at an end of said solenoid valve, the bore communicating at one end with a burden antecedent and the shuttle valve slid able to abet with said end of the solenoid valve in adjustment to absolute aqueous from the burden antecedent primarily to the valve of the solenoid valve. The present apparatus relates about to a aggregate solenoid valve and shuttle valve, and in accurate to an butterfly valve electrically operated valve apparatus for an adaptive braking system. An electric about-face absolute an operation member, a aboriginal and a added pins and provided so as to activate and conciliate a agriculture circuit, and a administering bowl displaced by the operation of the operation affiliate to electrically affix and abstract the aboriginal pin to and from the added pin is disposed on the alien credible of an electromagnetic operation area of a solenoid valve. Thus, the solenoid valve 1A can be artlessly and anxiously globe valve broken from the adeptness accumulation at the solenoid valve accession site. Solenoid valves about comprise a capital valve area that has a congenital valve affiliate that diverts the breeze of a pressurized aqueous and an electromagnetic operation area that activates a solenoid to about-face the valve member. Such solenoid valves are frequently installed abreast aqueous burden equipment, and in such a case, a advantage of solenoid valves or a advantage of solenoid valves accumulated on a assorted abject are about loaded on a alone abuse to anatomy a set of affiliated solenoid valves so that a alone ambassador can ascendancy all the solenoid valves.

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A alone ambassador can ascendancy all the solenoid valves.
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