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 Klimt paintings aresimply beautiful

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Número de Mensagens : 167
Data de inscrição : 12/03/2011

Klimt paintings aresimply beautiful Empty
MensagemAssunto: Klimt paintings aresimply beautiful   Klimt paintings aresimply beautiful Icon_minitimeSáb Jan 14, 2012 11:57 am

Klimt paintings aresimply beautiful

With her eyes closed she is really showing that she is giving into the passion and the love she feels for the man she is with. Even though her head is slightly tilted away from him she is still ready and willing to share a kiss with him. From Klimt the Kiss we can see the truly great power and unreal feelings that love and passion can give to a couple as well to those who are around Klimt paintings.
In this painting you will notice there is a common gold shrouding that gives the background an instant timelessness and allows the viewer to only focus on the couple in the painting. Many people assume that the bright colors Klimt gustav klimt tree of life used are to show off just how bright, golden and simply beautiful the first kiss you share with someone is. This piece features a lot of gold leaf and a lot of bright eye catching colors all over the couple’s intertwined bodies.
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Klimt paintings aresimply beautiful
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