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 The Starry Night By Van Gogh

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Número de Mensagens : 167
Data de inscrição : 12/03/2011

The Starry Night By Van Gogh Empty
MensagemAssunto: The Starry Night By Van Gogh   The Starry Night By Van Gogh Icon_minitimeSáb Jan 14, 2012 11:31 am

The Starry Night By Van Gogh

When the name Van Gogh Paintings come around the first painting people think about is cafe terrace at night. The reason is van gogh irises was the peak of the artist’s achievements. Vincent Van Gogh to many surprise actually only sold starry night van gogh in his life time. However, after his death his work is widely sold as replicas today. The almond blossom is still one of the most well known images from modern culture since it is the most replicated and the most sought after for prints in a wide range of sizes.
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The Starry Night By Van Gogh
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