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 Looking straight down at the ball

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Punho dos brothers S2
Punho dos brothers S2

Número de Mensagens : 58
Data de inscrição : 11/06/2011

Looking straight down at the ball Empty
MensagemAssunto: Looking straight down at the ball   Looking straight down at the ball Icon_minitimeSeg Jan 02, 2012 5:30 am

Looking straight down at the ball

Appear at the stance and posture of a tour expert and it is clearly visible exactly how straight the spine is,

however if you study a club as Ping g20

driver golfer often their back are declined and the top of the spine is bent forward as they intently

appear affordable at the ball. Looking straight down at the ball with the head, rather than with the eye, is

the generally damaging fault a golfer can have at stance and the generally common cause of weak position.
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sets such as Taylormade Golf Clubs or

Callaway Golf Clubs and

Ping Golf Clubs from
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Looking straight down at the ball
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