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 Machine allows the wine to open bottles of wine to extend the shelf life of one year

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Xiquito from hell
Xiquito from hell

Número de Mensagens : 151
Data de inscrição : 20/05/2011

Machine allows the wine to open bottles of wine to extend the shelf life of one year Empty
MensagemAssunto: Machine allows the wine to open bottles of wine to extend the shelf life of one year   Machine allows the wine to open bottles of wine to extend the shelf life of one year Icon_minitimeSeg Nov 21, 2011 6:33 am

Today, with the development of science callaway driver and technology, a bottle of wine to extend the shelf life is possible. Heavy-duty professional machines can open the wine bottle after wine shelf life up to one year. This wine is sealed airtight (similar to the effect of using the vacuum pump and stopper), and also filled with inert gas to immediately replace the bottle in the air callaway fairway wood , minimizing the exposure of wine in the oxygen level. However, due to its price as high as several hundred dollars, you may only find them in a bar. Where there are several "bulk" wine for tasting.

Save some time just getting bottles of wine callaway irons will never be as good as the taste of wine. But the left than to drink good wine poured into sewers. Ultimately, the best choice is a drunk, do not leave leftover wine.
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Machine allows the wine to open bottles of wine to extend the shelf life of one year
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