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 Eight buckets bucket's law is the law of

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Mirla pride
Mirla pride

Número de Mensagens : 38
Data de inscrição : 29/09/2011
Idade : 39
Localização : london

Eight buckets bucket's law is the law of  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Eight buckets bucket's law is the law of    Eight buckets bucket's law is the law of  Icon_minitimeTer Out 11, 2011 8:02 am

say, a bucket can hold much water, it depends entirely on the shortest piece of wood. This means that any one organization may face a common problem, that constitute the various parts of the organization often determines the level of the entire organization.

constitute the organization's strengths and weaknesses of each part is often missing, while the poor are often decided some level throughout the organization.
Some, you can not throw them as bad apples. Strength is only relative, not eliminated. The problem is that you tolerate this kind of weakness to what extent. If it is a serious bottleneck to become an obstacle to work, you have to have action.

If you are in an organization, you should:
1, make sure you are not the weakest part;
2, to avoid or reduce the vulnerability of the impact of your success;
3, if unfortunately, you are in this part, you can also take effective ways to improve, or change jobs to seek another job.

nine, mushrooms, mushroom management

fledgling management is treated by many organizations as a management approach, beginners are placed in a dark corner (not taken seriously the department, or odd jobs errands for work), pour a dung (unwarranted criticism, blaming, vicarious) to his own devices (without the necessary guidance and guidance and help). I believe many people have such a We are more realistic, more practical look at the issue, and for an organization, generally for new staff are treated equally, from starting to work there will not be a big difference.

no matter how talented you are, at the beginning of time can only start from the most simple things, young people, like the cocoon, is a step that must elapse before emergence. So, how to efficiently through the life of this period, from as far as possible lessons, mature, trustworthy and establish a good personal image, each newly recruited young people must face the social issues.

ten, the law of Occam's razor

If you think that only bruised and battered, busy work was likely to succeed, then you are wrong. Things are always moving in the direction of the complex, will result in a waste complex, and the performance comes from simple. You may have done most of the things is meaningless, the real effective activities is just one small part, but they are often implicit in the complex things. Find the key part of activities to remove the excess, success is not so complicated.

Occam's razor: if not necessary, not by entity.
12 century, the United Kingdom William of Occam's endless on the the universality of the essentials are useless burden, should be ruthlessly He argued that This razor has so many peopleporte monnaie chanel feel threatened, is considered heresy, William himself hurt. However, this does not damage the knife's sharp, on the contrary, after several years faster, and goes beyond the original narrow area and has a broad, rich, deep meaning.

law of Occam's razor in business management can be further deepened as the law of simple and complex: simple things become complicated, simple things become very complicated. This law requires that we deal with things, to grasp the main substance of things, grasp the mainstream to address the most fundamental problem. Especially in harmony with nature, not to artificially complicate things, in order to handle things.

XI Pareto rule your work done in 80% of the results, from 20% of your pay; while 80% of pay only in exchange for 20% of the results

XII question of money

when someone tells you: problem.
according to the general argument that money is the measure of value, medium of exchange, wealth storage. But this argument ignores the other side of it, it is intoxicating, crazy, exciting side, but also the psychological money aside talk of love. Marx said that money is the
on the nature of money, role and merits, since ancient times, people have left a profound motto and countless brilliant punch line. We often see people excited for the money, make money, with their wealth of provocative images. Money order to the world and our lives is enormous, broad, and sometimes this effect is a potential, we are often unaware that such a huge role, but wonderful: it is entirely self-created human . Wealth is not the driving force originated in the biological needs of animals living in the same phenomenon could not find any. It can not comply with the basic objective, can not meet the basic needs - - indeed, However, this seems aimless driving force is the most powerful force of human, human to hurt each other for money, far more than other reasons
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