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 According to

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Mirla pride
Mirla pride

Número de Mensagens : 38
Data de inscrição : 29/09/2011
Idade : 39
Localização : london

According to  Empty
MensagemAssunto: According to    According to  Icon_minitimeDom Out 09, 2011 6:05 am

SouFun Overseas Snow said the village head in early June, he and the United States, Florida USOFA (United Solutions of American.LLC) Ray, Managing Director Piel discuss the design of the

Not long ago, A Shanghai home buyers to $ 8,800 of the Converted into RMB, the floor price of the land is only 57.2 yuan / square meter.

priced at less than 60 yuan / square meter, and has permanent residence.

Snow said village, and after several rounds of bidding confirmed that the $ 8,800 price cap can not, ultimately the price set at $ 19,988 buy / square meter.

people favored by the United States is the land so unexpected, Zhuang promise analysts believe that the U.S. land and land of China, the biggest difference lies in China's only land use rights, and the U.S. land belongs to private property, including ground and underground resources belong to the owner, and can be traded freely. In recent years, the Chinese home crowd in expanding overseas, mostly concentrated in the study prior to immigration, is now a pure investment behavior began to emerge, some investors are more rational, more concerned about the appreciation potential and transaction security.

another was informed by the SouFun jointly organized by CCPIT and China, 40 Chinese millionaire team will reach the United States Los Angeles, began their 11-day trip to the U.S. real estate bargain-hunting.

It is reported that Chinese investors troops and horses, had been U.S. projects have thrown a variety of incentives to attract Chinese investors in the United States home. greatly reduces the cost of investment buyers and investment risks.

U.S. local government enthusiasm for the rich in China also were a plus. Group went to buy a house, the local regional governments, associations and real estate brokerage company will provide them with information from the housing, the purchase program, full-service legal aid. Local real estate agent who had already studied what good will to introduce the property to Chinese customers would be suitable.

Real Estate CEO Vincent Mo that U.S. house prices have basically bottomed out, this is a good time to invest and the United States. He believes that the gang of wealthy Chinese, the sum of one million U.S. dollars just to use theSacs à main Chane spare cash it at any time, the currency problem is not considered within the scope. In fact, for most Chinese wealthy, they buy more than consider the practical issues of investment, many of these buyers who intend to study abroad next child will be ahead of purchase. And some of them still in the kindergarten stage of their children may be. cheers cheers

According to Vincent Mo said, except the United States, other countries, the economic downturn of the Chinese government began looking forward to the funds. Real Estate in that the information given so far from the real estate group, this time including Spain, Italy, Portugal, Australia and official institutions have also eager to host the Chinese buyers to go to local buyers, including the China Consulate in many countries ****. This shows that China's willingness to buy has tentacles all over the world.

this area to stimulate the local economy into a downturn into a tonic, but the other hand, in the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries, China coming to buy land tours often described as

a rich overseas Chinese who will sweep the room described as October 14, 2010, media reports said: It is understood that Mr. Liu was born in China, now a U.S. citizen, he used $ 480 million or so in the United States to purchase about 8,000 apartments, a bunch of nobodies from the U.S. rental apartment buildings has become one of the largest buyers. He also made a deal, the company StandardPortfolios paid approximately $ 133 million in cash to buy parts of seven apartment buildings, and for the latter assumption of debt. Mr. Liu of the United States this consultant Osgood (Mark Osgood), said Mr. Liu is funded by the China project, he was in Beijing and other cities have several apartments and several commercial real estate projects.

In addition, China's richest swept the overseas posture of the housing market and even many locals stare overseas.

According to Canada, Former Vancouver city councilor, mayor candidates have lied (Peter Ladner) that the Vancouver property prices out of control, a large number of investors from China led to soaring property prices in Vancouver a major factor. He even suggested that the government introduced policies to restrict non-residents to buy a house in Vancouver.

with a similar situation in Canada, Australia and other countries around. Emerge from time to time on the media, Chinese people are accounted for. If then such a development for 10 years, will become Australia's largest Chinese language. To this end, in May this year, new Prime Minister Gerard came tosac chanel prix power, began to tighten immigration and real estate policy. A few years ago to allow foreign students and foreigners to buy houses in Australia can be 95% or even full credit loans, bank loans, but Australia is 85% of the maximum. And if Australia does not get a green card, it does not allow overseas staff rental house; overseas personnel to leave Australia, you must also sell the house, not allowed to rent.

British Chinese media, A British real estate broker, said: Reported that the last two months, the amount of Chinese investors to buy a house in London, up to 1.2 billion pounds (about 12.7 billion yuan), causing the locals to complain. Housing Society, and even warned that many young people in London will have to wait until the age of 50 will be able to afford housing.

According to reports, the Chinese in 2010 by real estate agents, overseas funds buy conservative estimate of 50 billion, if one adds those who go directly to buy from overseas, the actual size on most of the funds .
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Mirla pride
Mirla pride

Número de Mensagens : 38
Data de inscrição : 29/09/2011
Idade : 39
Localização : london

According to  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: According to    According to  Icon_minitimeSeg Out 10, 2011 7:10 am

Insiders pointed out that the U.S. land and land of China, the biggest difference lies in China's only land use rights, and the U.S. land belongs to private property, including ground and underground resources belong to the owner and can be traded freely. In recent years, the Chinese home crowd in expanding overseas, mostly concentrated in the study prior to immigration, is now a pure investment behavior began to emerge, some investors are more rational, more concerned about the appreciation potential and transaction security.

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