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 Azul Limon or the “blue lemon” is positioned

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Xiquito from hell
Xiquito from hell

Número de Mensagens : 286
Data de inscrição : 08/10/2010

Azul Limon or the “blue lemon” is positioned  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Azul Limon or the “blue lemon” is positioned    Azul Limon or the “blue lemon” is positioned  Icon_minitimeSáb Set 17, 2011 1:49 am

Azul Limon or the “blue lemon” is positioned

a alcove in the bank accoutrement the absolute led bulb breadth of the room. The section incorporates a beautiful and minalistic attending donning shades led Aquarium Light of dejected and yellow. Ocean bedrock in white and biscuit tones and apricot beach has been congenital in the aquarium to action an amphibian flavour. Azul Limon has been led spotlight adapted with a dejected florescent and layered lighting arrangement absolute 2 x 38 watt actinic-blue beaming tubes and six submersible LED lamps. The luminaires are on an automatic timer with limited control. The LED lamps are placed beneath led strip the air stones creating afire up air columns which accomplish a attenuate lighting aftereffect if the capital
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Azul Limon or the “blue lemon” is positioned
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